
There are lots of updates to share in this edition of Tech Update, including a new way to access the Student Hub and “plus addressing” in Outlook.

These periodic Tech Updates, emailed and online, aim to highlight the most relevant technology and online resources for you. If you have any feedback about Tech Update, or if you have a topic that you’d like to see covered in a future update, please send suggestions to its@northeastern.edu.


Marcus P. Robinson

Associate Vice President, Engagement and Experience

Tech Update: November 9, 2020

New Way to Access Student Hub

There’s a new way to access the Student Hub—the Me app is now available to students in Microsoft Teams. In addition to visiting the Hub through a web browser at me.northeastern.edu, you can also log into the Hub directly from the Teams Me app on either desktop or mobile. Pin and move the app on the Teams sidebar for easy access.

More information on the new Teams integration is available in the Tech Knowledge Base.

Laptops for Loan

Need a laptop, adaptor, or camera for short-term use? Select devices and accessories are available to borrow for up to 24 hours. New self-service lockers and vending machines located on the first floor of Snell Library make this service safe and hygienic. It’s as easy as click and collect—learn more about hardware loans through ITS locker and vending services.

A Microsoft Plus

Northeastern Office 365 email accounts now include a feature that’s been popular among Gmail users: plus addressing.

What is plus addressing? Add any tag with a plus sign to the end of your name in your email address, then use the tags to filter or track emails. For instance, y.name+netflix@northeastern.edu can help you see what spam you’re getting as a result of your Netflix account. Y.name+researchgroup@northeastern.edu can let you filter all the emails about that big group project into a single folder for ease of searching.

Learn more about plus addressing in the Tech Knowledge Base.

Connect with the Northeastern Community–Anytime, Anywhere

Communities at Northeastern is a safe, online destination built exclusively for and by the university community. In Communities, which is powered by Microsoft’s Yammer platform, you can create your own communities and invite members, explore and join existing communities, and discover new connections with others at Northeastern.

Find Communities in the Student Hub, under Stay Connected at NU.

And While You’re There…

When you visit Communities, check out the new Northeastern Tech Talk community to hear about university technology news and updates, provide valuable feedback, and connect with others on how technologies and digital experiences are advancing learning and student life at Northeastern.

Sites for Students

Northeastern now offers students a free, easy-to-use way to build a website or online portfolio. Showcase your art, share a research project, blog about your university experiences – or do something that’s different and entirely yours! Start your site today.

Protect the Pack Online

As National Cybersecurity Awareness Month has come to a close, remember that awareness is an important part of Northeastern’s cyber defenses – and your own. Here are four key tips:

  • Always enable strong authentication for your online accounts. For your Northeastern account, get all the information you need at Get2FA.
  • Make your passwords long and strong. Consider using a passphrase – a group of words that make sense together for you, but not for anyone else – as the basis for your credential.
  • When in doubt, don’t click. Phishing links in emails and text messages are an all-too-common gateway for hackers. Please report any suspected phishing attempts right away.
  • Never stop learning. Northeastern has an overview of security basics at Get Secure.

Looking for More Tech Updates?

The Tech Talk community is available 24/7 through Communities at Northeastern. Find announcements, tips, and a place to engage with others about how technology impacts daily life at Northeastern.