In 2023, IT Services continued to provide the global university community with self-service resources to enable quick access to vital information using the IT Services knowledge base. Year-over-year, knowledge base content is further developed to respond to and grow with the global campus community. The public knowledge base now provides 1.067 KB articles with 425,987 views in 2023 as of publication. 

Looking back at the top five KB articles for the year provides an indicator of what has been most important to the community and how IT teams have provided world-class service resources to the university.  

No. 1

With over 5,100 views, so far this year, How do I take a test using Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor?, is the top-viewed Knowledge Base article of 2023. In the comprehensive article, a full explanation of the service and tutorial for installing and connecting to Respondus is outlined for student and staff usage.

No. 2

Second with 4,579 views comes How do I connect to NUwave on Windows?, which targets network access instructions for PC machines in Boston. Major work is underway to ensure all locations across the global campus are connected so updates to this KB article will likely include instructions for NUwave customers beyond the main campus. 

No. 3

How do I personalize teaching and learning in Canvas? is number three with over 4,100 views. This service is led by the Academic Technologies team with many complementary articles published on the AT blog. A pedagogical approach to incorporating Canvas and other collaboration software ensures support for faculty to create engaging courses. 

No. 4

How do I register a device on NURes-device? directly compliments No. 2 as this article explains how to access the university-owned residence halls specifically for devices not supported by NUwave. This article has had 4,065, so far, in 2023.

No. 5

How do I request and claim a Family/Other account? is fifth with more than 2,894 views. The article goes over the multi-step process for requesting and setting up a sponsored account. This complimentary service ensures families and others can access account information that is only for community members. 

A dynamic platform, Northeastern’s tech knowledge base is continuously evolving to ensure the university community has 24/7 access to clear, actionable answers to their technology questions.