

Now that fall semester is in full gear, check out the latest tech news at Northeastern for guidance to smooth your way. In this edition, find information about Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Modern Authentication, and opportunities to weigh in on proposed Student Hub designs. 

IT support is available around the clock, every day, everywhere you are. Reach out to or visit ITS for all your technology questions and issues.  

– M     

Marcus P. Robinson
Deputy CIO and Associate Vice President, Engagement and Experience 

It’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month! Several Northeastern departments and offices, including the Office of Information Security and Information Technology Services, have planned activities that can help keep the university community digitally safe and secure. Multiple ways are available for faculty, staff, and students to participate, including two interactive Q&A sessions with faculty from Khoury College of Computer Sciences. Register to join panels of Khoury experts in person and online as they discuss online privacy and security on Wednesday, Oct. 19, and the privacy and security of connected devices on Wednesday, Oct. 26!  

Learn more about Cybersecurity Awareness Month at Northeastern

Transition to Modern Authentication

An important security change is happening during the month of October that may affect how you access your Northeastern Microsoft 365 (M365) account, including email. This change, which Microsoft is making to enhance account security, supports Northeastern’s ongoing efforts to improve information security and decrease the number of compromised email accounts and phishing emails.

Most members of the Northeastern community, including those who access their email via Outlook in a browser or through the Outlook app on their devices, will see little or no impact beyond an additional prompt to log in or restart their M365 applications. This prompt is expected and safe to click. Users who rely on out-of-date login methods will need to take action to continue accessing Northeastern M365 email and services. Visit the link below for important details about this change and how it may affect you.

Discover how Modern Authentication may impact your account

Student Hub Design Improvement Feedback Survey

The 15-member Student Digital Experience Team is seeking fellow-student feedback on two proposed design improvements for the Classes tab on the Student Hub. To participate, students are invited to watch two short videos, each less than one minute long, to experience how each design functions. After each video, students are asked to answer a series of brief questions in a survey that should take only 3-5 minutes to complete.

Participate in the survey today

Looking for More Tech Updates?

The Tech Talk community is available 24/7 through Communities at Northeastern. Find announcements, tips, and a place to engage with others about how technology impacts daily life at Northeastern.

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Currently Under Maintenance

Sites at Northeastern, which includes this website, is currently under maintenance.

During this period, all websites are in read-only mode, and site owners, administrators, editors, authors, contributors, and subscribers will be unable to log in or make edits. Visitors can still access and navigate sites as usual.

For more info, check the IT Statuspage.